Descargar Photogrammetric Computer Vision: Statistics, Geometry, Orientation and Reconstruction (Geometry and Computing) de Wolfgang Förstner,Bernhard P. Wrobel libros ebooks
Download Photogrammetric Computer Vision: Statistics, Geometry, Orientation and Reconstruction (Geometry and Computing) de Wolfgang Förstner,Bernhard P. Wrobel PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Photogrammetric Computer Vision: Statistics, Geometry, Orientation and Reconstruction (Geometry and Computing) Pdf en linea
Photogrammetric Computer Vision: Statistics, Geometry, Orientation and Reconstruction (Geometry and Computing) de Wolfgang Förstner,Bernhard P. Wrobel
Descripción - Críticas “Photogrammetric Computer Vision represents a milestone publication in modern photogrammetry. … The excellence of the material in this book is undergirded by careful cross-referencing and the occasional use of a didactic manner whereby important concepts, when they are first introduced, are written in italics in the outer margins.” (Charles Toth, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, Vol. 83 (10), October, 2017)“This book is a great achievement. … it gives a comprehensive overview of the geometrical concepts of photogrammetry and computer vision. … it will be invaluable as a book of reference for graduate students, researchers, software engineers and practitioners as well as for teachers involved in these subjects.” (Franz Rottensteiner, Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science, Vol. 85 (3), August, 2017)“This book on Photogrammetric Computer Vision can thus be seen as a logical continuation of the authors’ academic work, dedicated to building bridges between photogrammetry and computer vision. … this book forms a rich body of state-of-the-art knowledge in image geometry and related problems.” (Markus Gerke, The Photogrammetric Record, June, 2017)“This book is one of two volumes on photogrammetric computer vision. This volume focuses on geometric image analysis based on statistics … . This is an excellent textbook. It can be used in higher education at BSc. and MSc. levels. The authors gives different education programs with different objectives to be achieved. This greatly helps to use the book.” (Attila Fazekas, zbMATH, 1372.68002, 2017) Reseña del editor This textbook offers a statistical view on the geometry of multiple view analysis, required for camera calibration and orientation and for geometric scene reconstruction based on geometric image features. The authors have backgrounds in geodesy and also long experience with development and research in computer vision, and this is the first book to present a joint approach from the converging fields of photogrammetry and computer vision. Part I of the book provides an introduction to estimation theory, covering aspects such as Bayesian estimation, variance components, and sequential estimation, with a focus on the statistically sound diagnostics of estimation results essential in vision metrology. Part II provides tools for 2D and 3D geometric reasoning using projective geometry. This includes oriented projective geometry and tools for statistically optimal estimation and test of geometric entities and transformations and their relations, tools that are useful also in the context of uncertain reasoning in point clouds. Part III is devoted to modelling the geometry of single and multiple cameras, addressing calibration and orientation, including statistical evaluation and reconstruction of corresponding scene features and surfaces based on geometric image features. The authors provide algorithms for various geometric computation problems in vision metrology, together with mathematical justifications and statistical analysis, thus enabling thorough evaluations. The chapters are self-contained with numerous figures and exercises, and they are supported by an appendix that explains the basic mathematical notation and a detailed index.The book can serve as the basis for undergraduate and graduate courses in photogrammetry, computer vision, and computer graphics. It is also appropriate for researchers, engineers, and software developers in the photogrammetry and GIS industries, particularly those engaged with statistically based geometric computer vision methods. Contraportada This textbook offers a statistical view on the geometry of multiple view analysis, required for camera calibration and orientation and for geometric scene reconstruction based on geometric image features. The authors have backgrounds in geodesy and also long experience with development and research in computer vision, and this is the first book to present a joint approach from the converging fields of photogrammetry and computer vision. Part I of the book provides an introduction to estimation theory, covering aspects such as Bayesian estimation, variance components, and sequential estimation, with a focus on the statistically sound diagnostics of estimation results essential in vision metrology. Part II provides tools for 2D and 3D geometric reasoning using projective geometry. This includes oriented projective geometry and tools for statistically optimal estimation and test of geometric entities and transformations and their relations, tools that are useful also in the context of uncertain reasoning in point clouds. Part III is devoted to modelling the geometry of single and multiple cameras, addressing calibration and orientation, including statistical evaluation and reconstruction of corresponding scene features and surfaces based on geometric image features. The authors provide algorithms for various geometric computation problems in vision metrology, together with mathematical justifications and statistical analysis, thus enabling thorough evaluations. The chapters are self-contained with numerous figures and exercises, and they are supported by an appendix that explains the basic mathematical notation and a detailed index.The book can serve as the basis for undergraduate and graduate courses in photogrammetry, computer vision, and computer graphics. It is also appropriate for researchers, engineers, and software developers in the photogrammetry and GIS industries, particularly those engaged with statistically based geometric computer vision methods. Biografía del autor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Förstner is an internationally leading expert in photogrammetry, computer vision, pattern recognition and machine learning. Throughout his exemplary career of nearly 40 years as a researcher, inventor, innovator and educator, he has made exceptionally significant scientific contributions in many areas of information from imagery and mentored generations of mapping scientists and engineers. Examples of his work include blunder detection for aerial triangulation, image matching, object recognition and statistical projective geometry. He developed the well-known Förstner Operator, for the detection of key points in images, in the 1980s. After studying geodesy and surveying, he first worked at the University of Stuttgart before moving to the University of Bonn as Professor for Photogrammetry where he led the Institute for Photogrammetry from 1990 to 2012. He published more than 100 academic papers, coauthored three book chapters for the ASPRS Manual of Photogrammetry, supervised more than 30 Ph.D. theses, and was closely involved with the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and the German Association for Pattern Recognition. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard P. Wrobel received his Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing) in theoretical geodesy from the University of Bonn. From 1975 to 1981 he was professor for close-range photogrammetry and from 1981 to 2001 for photogrammetry at Darmstadt University of Technology, and also head of the Institute for Photogrammetry and Cartography. He was closely involved with the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, and he coauthored three book chapters for the ASPRS Manual of Photogrammetry. Besides his work related to precise mensuration tasks in industry, his research interests cover the mathematical fundamentals of photogrammetry such as the digital inversion of image formation for reconstruction of 3D surfaces and reflectance from multiple images.Authors' website (code, lecture slides) at
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- Name: Photogrammetric Computer Vision: Statistics, Geometry, Orientation and Reconstruction (Geometry and Computing)
- Autor: Wolfgang Förstner,Bernhard P. Wrobel
- Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Ciencias de la Tierra
- Tamaño del archivo: 18 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
Download Photogrammetric Computer Vision: Statistics, Geometry, Orientation and Reconstruction (Geometry and Computing) de Wolfgang Förstner,Bernhard P. Wrobel PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
1forstner w wrobel b p photogrammetric computer vision geometry and computing 11 wolfgang förstner bernhard p wrobel photogrammetric computer vision statistics, geometry, orientation and reconstruction geometry and computing volume 11 series editors herbert edelsbrunner, department computer science, durham, nc, usa leif kobbelt, rwth aachen university, aachen, germany konrad polthier, ag mathematical geometry processing, freie universität Geometry for enjoyment and challenge solution manual enjoyment of music an introduction to photogrammetric computer vision statistics geometry orientation and reconstruction geometry and computing geometry integration applications geometry for enjoyment and challenge chapter 2 statistics geometry orientation and Full text of conceptos y métodos en visión por computador full text of conceptos y métodos en visión por computador editado por enrique alegre, gonzalo pajares y arturo de la escalera junio 2016 see other formats
Photogrammetric computer vision statistics, geometry photogrammetric computer vision statistics, geometry, orientation and reconstruction geometry and computing hardcover 3319115499com comprar en tu tienda online buscalibre chile ver opiniones y comentarios compra y venta de libros importados, novedades y bestsellers en tu librería online buscalibre chile y buscalibros compra libros sin iva en buscalibre Photogrammetric computer vision statistics, geometry photogrammetric computer vision statistics, geometry, orientation and reconstruction förstner wolfgang wrobel bernhard p disponibilità momentaneamente non ordinabile attenzione causa emergenza sanitaria sono possibili ritardi nelle spedizioni e nelle consegne Photogrammetric computer vision statistics, geometry photogrammetric computer vision è un libro di förstner wolfgang, wrobel bernhard p edito da springer a ottobre 2016 ean 9783319115498 puoi acquistarlo sul sito hoepli, la grande libreria online
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